Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hazard on bike lane - Water point reflector

(sent to BUG group)

Hazard: Blue, cat-eye reflector glued to road surface in bike lane.
King George ave
At pedestrian crossing to Brighton Secondary School

Other Locations:
There are two blue reflectors in Jetty Rd (South side) between the tram line
and the car parks. This is the path that a cyclist uses and these reflectors
also need to be moved.

This issue had been brought up at a previous BUG meeting.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hazard with kerb repairs, Brighton area (Commercial Rd)

I was cycling on Commercial road last night past the Windsor theatre. THere was a car parked on the West side of the road, and an oncoming car.
This only left a couple of metres of the road for me, and along the road is an unsealed area where kerb repairs have been performed.
The edge of the unsealed section is a square edge, extending for more than 10 metres in the direction of travel, and in places over 20mm deep.
This is enough to catch a bicycle wheel, causing the rider to fall onto the road.
Please attend to this road, and the others in the area to avoid an accident happening.




Hazard, Jetty Rd Glenelg, 4090dz

Attached is a hazard for your attention.


