Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fwd: Hazard. Victoria and Gladstone Rd Mile End

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/12/16
Subject: Hazard. Victoria and Gladstone Rd Mile End
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

Photo attached



Fwd: Hazard. 12 Birkalla Tce Nth Plympton

--------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/12/16
Subject: Hazard. 12 Birkalla Tce
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

12 Birkalla Tce. Photo attached.



Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fifth report of hazard on Creslin Tce Camden Park

Date: 7 Dec 2009
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au
Subject: Fifth report of hazard on Creslin Tce Camden Park

Telephoned WTCC 10 November to be advised the hazard was "signed off"

Telephoned WTCC 7 Dec "unable to find report"

Attached is the original photo, plus a photo taken last week.

The hole is over 50mm deep and has a square edge. It is 1 metre from the kerb, on the South-East corner of Creslin and Stonehouse. A cyclist turning the corner will be at risk of damage or injury from impact, or if avoiding the hazard, impact with a passing vehicle.

Here is previous correspondence on the blogsite

It is now 2 months since initially reported.

Please advise when this hazard will be removed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 2009/10/15
Subject: Third report in 4 weeks: Creslin Tce Cnr Stonehouse Ave Plympton
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

To West Torrens Council csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au
It is now four weeks since the hazard (hole) at the corner of Stonehouse and Creslin street was reported. As at 9.00am this morning it is still not removed.
The hole is 50mm deep with a square edge. A cyclist impacting or avoiding this hazard is likely to change direction unexpectedly and may be hit by a passing vehicle.
Please advise what action is being taken to remove this hazard.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 2009/10/4
Subject: Second report: Creslin Tce Cnr Stonehouse Ave Plympton
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

Please advise when this hazard will be removed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/9/17
Subject: Hazard - Creslin Tce Cnr Stonehouse Ave Plympton
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

Please remove the hazard for cyclists on Creslin Tce, corner of Stonehouse Ave Plympton (photo attached).
The missing bitumen will cause damage to bicycle wheel, and as in this photo, by avoiding the hazard caused a near collision with a passing vehicle.
The link below is to the site on Google map.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fwd: Hazard. Bike lane. Partridge St. Glfnelg

Date: 2009/11/26
Subject: Hazard. Bike lane. Partridge St. Glfnelg
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

See photo. Bike lane blocked by piles of leaves after sweeping.



Fwd: Hazard. 5 Roberts St

To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

50 mm deep holes on  edge of road. 5 Roberts St Brighton



Monday, November 9, 2009

Gunnawarra, Cnr Morphett

Update from City of West Torrens (Alex from City Services)

Gunnawarra, from Morphett to Queens will be resurfaced Sat 14 November 2009.

Reported 28 Sept and 15 October 2009.


Hazard Service Cover Burbridge-Military Rds West Beach

Approx 30 mm recess to service inspection point cover (SIP).

Reported to United Water (8381 0300) 10 Nov 2009.

Job number W1182345

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fwd: Hazard. Stormwater cover

----- Original Message -----
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au
Sent: Mon 26/10/09 4:34 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hazard. Stormwater cover
1025091840-00.jpg (37.0 Kb) attached Corner Yarmouth St and Brighton Rds.

---- Message sent via Adam Internet WebMail - http://www.adam.com.au/

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Service Cover - 46 Greenhill Rd Wayville

Reported to United Water 8381 0300

Job number W1171014

Approx 30mm below surface of bikelane

22 Oct 2009 - Phone call from John at United Water

'The job has been allocated to a contractor to repair'

Second report - Gunnawarra Ave, Cnr Morphett

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 2009/10/15
Subject: Second report - Gunnawarra Ave, Cnr Morphett
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

First reported 28 September 2009
Please remove this hazard on Gunnawarra, near Morphett Rd.


10 November 2009
Telephoned City of West Torrens (8416 6333)
Advised that there was "...no action taken to remove hazard"
Left contact details for City Service to contact me in this regard.

Hazard - Hahns Lane Brighton

Please remove the hazard of this pothole in Hahns Lane (near Lewis Street)


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Service Cover - 195 Anzac Hwy - Fourth request

The SIPs West of Gray St were first reported Nov 2008

A request was made in writing, then a follow up by phone as no action was taken.

One has been corrected.

Attached are photos of a second SIP in this area (195 Anzac Hwy).

One of the photos was taken 15 Nov 2008.

Reported by phone today (Job No. W1169179)

This is the forth request to have the Service Inspection Ports rectified.

Cnr Maitland - Kauri - Repeated request

Please remove ALL hazards at the corner of Kauri and Maitland, Seacliff.
Attached are two photos
20091004 - hazard has been repaired (reported 4 Oct)
20091008 - hazard 5 metres from above hazard - Not repaired

Road Repair Australia

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, 4 October 2009 6:43 PM
Subject: FW: Cnr Maitland - Kauri

To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

60 mm deep holes

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Second report: Creslin Tce Cnr Stonehouse Ave Plympton

Please advise when this hazard will be removed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/9/17
Subject: Hazard - Creslin Tce Cnr Stonehouse Ave Plympton
To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

Please remove the hazard for cyclists on Creslin Tce, corner of Stonehouse Ave Plympton (photo attached).
The missing bitumen will cause damage to bicycle wheel, and as in this photo, by avoiding the hazard caused a near collision with a passing vehicle.
The link below is to the site on Google map.

10 November 2009
Telephoned City of West Torrens (8416 6333)
Signed off as completed 9 November (to be confirmed)
7 December 2009
Telephoned City of West Torrens (8416 6333)
Not able to find any record of the hazard or sign off
Resent email with photograph.

2nd Report - Military Road Hazard

To West Torrens Council
This was previously reported 17 September.
There are multiple examples of this type of hazard south of West Beach Rd (Photo attached). None of them have been rectified.
Please advise what action is being taken to remove these hazards.



FW: Cnr Maitland - Kauri

To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

60 mm deep holes

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fwd: Moss Ave

To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au
Sent: Mon 28/09/09 2:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: Moss Ave
To West Torrens council

please remove these hazards on Moss Ave.

---- Message sent via Adam Internet WebMail - http://www.adam.com.au/

Fwd: Birdwood Ave

To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au
Sent: Mon 28/09/09 1:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Birdwood Ave
To West Torrens council

please remove this hazard. Near Birdwood Close.

---- Message sent via Adam Internet WebMail - http://www.adam.com.au/

Gunnawarra Ave

To: csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au
Sent: Mon 28/09/09 1:52 AM
Subject: Fwd: Gunnawarra Ave
To West Torrens council.
Please remove this hazard.

---- Message sent via Adam Internet WebMail - http://www.adam.com.au/

Thursday, September 24, 2009

FW: Hazard. 113 Esplanade. Brighton

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2009 5:37 AM
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au
Subject: Hazard. 113 Esplanade. Brighton

30mm hole at base of speed hump. Near Smith st.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

FW: Hazard. Esplanade. Cnr wattle

To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au
Subject: Hazard. Esplanade. Cnr wattle

Photo attached

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hazard - Anzac Highway - Grass cuttings in bike lane

To Unley, West Torrens and Holdfast councils

On the Wednesday night, at many places from Greenhill Rd to Marion Rd (south side), there were grass cutting spread onto the bike lane. In places the grass cuttings were also piled up.

With the rain, the surface was as slippery as ice and very hazardous for cyclist. To avoid the hazard, cyclists were forced to ride outside of the bike lane, in the path of passing traffic.

In addition to the hazard, heavy rains have washed the cuttings into the stormwater system, no doubt ending up in the Sturt River and Patawalonga.



Hazard - Creslin Tce Cnr Stonehouse Ave Plympton

Please remove the hazard for cyclists on Creslin Tce, corner of Stonehouse Ave Plympton (photo attached).
The missing bitumen will cause damage to bicycle wheel, and as in this photo, by avoiding the hazard caused a near collision with a passing vehicle.
The link below is to the site on Google map.

Hazard - Military Rd West Bch

At many places along Military Rd West Beach (South of West Bch Road) there are holes at the edge of the kerb concrete that will damage a bicycle wheel. Impact, or avoiding impact may cause a collision with passing cars not expecting the cyclist to change line of travel.
There is a photo attached.
Below is a link to Google Street that shows one of the hazards clearly.





Monday, September 14, 2009

Hazard - Moss St, corner Galway

To West Torrens Council csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au

The road has not been re-bituminised and now there is an 80mm deep rut.

FW: Hazard. Mosely St

o: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au
Subject: Hazard. Mosely St

To Holdfast council.
Many ruts and square edges. Kurb repairs NOT finished at 5 or more places.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Poor repair - Esplanade Cnr Smith (Brighton)

The hazard reported on 26 Aug (Esplanade, Cnr Smith) has had a poor repair made and is now over 50mm deep again (see photo).
The previous report is here.
Please contact me with information on the action you will take to remove this hazard. 



Scott St Brighon - repeated hazard - Pothole

This pothole is worse. (Photo attached)
THis is a bikeway
This was previously reported to mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au 26 August:
Please advise the action you will take to remove the hazard.



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hazard (Repeated request) 50a Downing St Hove - Stormwater sevice cover

This has been reported and patched before (see link above)
The hazard is that the drop is in excess of 40mm (see photograph attached).
The bump will cause a cyclist to change direction.
The impact will damage the bicycle.
Avoiding (swerving) to avoid impact may cause collision with another vehicle not expecting the maneuver.
Please reply with an indication of your action to remove this hazard.




Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RE: Hazard. Cnr Jetty and Rose St

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/8/27
Subject: Hazard. Cnr Jetty and Rose St
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au




Hazard - potohole - 1A Scott St, South Brighton SA 5048

To mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

Pothole in road at:

Hazard - Esplanade Brighton, Corner Smith St

This email was sent to you by a user on Google Maps (maps.google.com.au)



Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fwd: Hazard Stormwater cover

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/8/24
Subject: Hazard Stormwater cover
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

Cnr Jetty and Brighton Roads

Fwd: Hazards - Esplanade

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/8/24
Subject: Hazards - Esplanade
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au,

3 Potholes on Esplanade. 1 near Jetty road. 2 Corner Dunluce. 3. Near Wattle st park.



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hazard - Stormwater cover cnr Yarmouth and Brighton Rds

The stormwater cover on the corner of Brighton and Yarmouth (on Yarmouth) is dislodged.
This cover was reported and fitted previously. The refitting was not flush, possibly relating to the cover dislodging again.




Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hazard - Pothole in path of cyclists - Anzac Hwy ADELAIDE

NOTE: I have contacted Department of Transport and they have determined that this part of Anzac Highway is the responsibility of Adelaide City Council.
This pothole located on the South side of Anzac Hwy, 200 metres East of Greenhill Rd (heading West).
The hole is 1 metre out from the kerb an in the direct path of a cyclist.

It is also hidden when raining by the water collected.

A cyclist hitting, or avoiding this hole will change the line of travel and is at risk of collision with a passing vehicle.
Please also note that the general condition of the bitumen in this area is very poor, and a cyclist negotiating bumps and dips in the stretch of road between West Tce and Greenhill Rd is at risk of collision with passing vehicles.
Plesae contact me to advise of the action that will be taken to remove the above hazards.


I received an email from a cyclist who suffered $500 damage to his bike at this site. His accident was just before I reported it:
"on 16 july last year this hazard caused over $500 damage to my bike and the council refused to compensate me stating they had not been notified of the hazard previously"

YET 12 DAYS LATER, (my report) the hazard was STILL THERE!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hazard - Bitumen lifted - 251 Young St Parkside

Please find attached two areas where the bitumen has lifted at 251 Young St Unley.
THis is part of a bike route and hazardous for cyclist or pedestrians.




Wednesday, June 24, 2009

FW: Hazard. Repeated - Stormwater cover

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 2009/6/25
Subject: Fwd: Hazard. Repeated - Stormwater cover
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

This cover has collapsed again (9.00am Thurs 25 June).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Road Repair Australia  
Date: 2009/4/28
Subject: Fwd: Hazard. Repeated
To: Mail HOLDFAST <mholdfast@holdfast.sa.gov.au>

The storm water cover on the corner of Jetty and Brighton Rds Glenelg was dislodged again when i went past at 7.00pm last night.


For more information about the repeated reporting of this drain cover use this link:



---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2009/4/24
Subject: Hazard. Repeated
To: mail@holdfast.sa.gov.au

Storm water cover dislodged again. Corner Jetty and Brighton roads Glenelg.









Pole placed in centre of bike path (Sturt Rd)

Sturt Road, Bedford Park (South Side)

To view video, press Play.

Anazac Hwy - Another SIP (Cnr South Rd)

To view video press Play.

The service cover (SIP) is located 10 metres West of South Rd, heading West on Anzac Hwy.

Striking the sunken cover causes a cyclist injury and damage to the bicycle.

Avoiding the sunken service cover will cause a collision with a passing vehicle not expecting the cyclist to change the line of travel.


25 June 2009

Copy of this blog printed and posted to:

United Water
Attention Networks Coordinator Southern - Lyndon Stringer


Monday, June 22, 2009

Hazard - Corner Oakley and Victoria Streets

Please find attached a photo of a pothole at the corner of Victoria and Oakley streets
If this is not your responsibility please advise me, or forward as appropriate.



Hazard - Tarlton - Mosely streets

There is an edge of bitumen to the kerb that is 20 to 60 mm high and in line with direction of travel. This edge will "trip" a cyclist and cause them to fall into the path of passing vehicles.
Please remove this hazard on Tarlton St, heading North, near Mosely street.



Anzac Highway - North side to Marion Rd

Press play to view video

This is typical of the surface in bike lanes in Adelaide.

Anzac Highway - Kerb to Bitumen

Press play to view video

This edge is typical of bike lanes on Anzac Highway and around Adelaide

Previously reported to Dept of Transport 15 November 2008. See report:

Video on CD posted to Director of Road Safety (Martin Small) and delivered to City of Holdfast Bay 23 June 2009.

Letter to Director of Road Safety DTEI


Letter to Holdfast Bay City Council


Delays to remove hazard of service covers

As with all sunken or faulty service covers reported to United water, they
are slow to remove the hazard, often not removing the hazard at all.

For more examples, go to www.roadrepair.blogspot.com and click on the label
in the right column: "United Water".

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

King George SIP - Reported to Maria Kourtesis JP, May 2009

This Service Inspection Point (SIP) cover is sunken in excess of 30mm (the ruler is green for 20mm, then red).

The sunken Service Inspection Point (SIP) will cause damage and personal injury. A cyclist changing direction to avoid the SIP is at risk of colliding with a passing vehicle. Drivers are also aggravated by having to drive slowly behind a cyclist who is in the way.

Being on a corner, this SIP is a hazard for a cyclist attempting to indicate a turn (one handed).

Reported to Maria Kourtesis JP (Liberal Candidate for Bright) at a street corner meeting at the corner of Harrow and King George streets.

The challenge was set to have the hazard removed. This was in the context of the issue that these hazards are NOT attended to, even if reported. See the topic "United Water" (click to view).

Here is a video of a cyclist negotiating the corner and SIP.

(Click on the PLAY button to start)

King William St - 4 weeks - No action

This hazard was brought to the attention of the Deputy Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Stephen Yarwood, at a Capital City Forum held on Friday 15 May.

The topic was "Cycling Towards a Healthy and Sustainable Community".

Other attendees were:
Minister for the City of Adelaide, Dr Jane Lomax-Smith
Keynote speaker - Associate Professor Chris Rissel
Director of Road Safety, DTEI
Dr Ian Radbone
Andrew McEvoy, CE, SA Tourism Commission

There is something wrong if a hazard report to this audience does not get fixed in less than one month.


23 June 2009
Email sent to City@Adelaidecitycouncil.com for the attention of Stephen Yarwood, Deputy Lord Mayor
