Date: 2009/12/16
Subject: Hazard. Victoria and Gladstone Rd Mile End
Photo attached
Roadrepair is an independent website designed to help you, the road users, to report road surface faults, potholes, and hazards, hence improve the state of your local roads. Faults that have been reported are published here. More information about criteria, responsibilities and issues for each State is at
Job number W1171014
Approx 30mm below surface of bikelane
22 Oct 2009 - Phone call from John at United Water
'The job has been allocated to a contractor to repair'
Sent: Mon 28/09/09 2:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: Moss Ave
To West Torrens council
please remove these hazards on Moss Ave.
Sent: Mon 28/09/09 1:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Birdwood Ave
To West Torrens council
please remove this hazard. Near Birdwood Close.
30mm hole at base of speed hump. Near Smith st.
With the rain, the surface was as slippery as ice and very hazardous for cyclist. To avoid the hazard, cyclists were forced to ride outside of the bike lane, in the path of passing traffic.
In addition to the hazard, heavy rains have washed the cuttings into the stormwater system, no doubt ending up in the Sturt River and Patawalonga.
To West Torrens Council
The road has not been re-bituminised and now there is an 80mm deep rut.
To Holdfast council.
Many ruts and square edges. Kurb repairs NOT finished at 5 or more places.
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Date: 2009/8/27
Subject: Hazard. Cnr Jetty and
It is also hidden when raining by the water collected.
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From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 2009/6/25
Subject: Fwd: Hazard. Repeated - Stormwater cover
This cover has collapsed again (9.00am Thurs 25 June).
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From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 2009/4/28
Subject: Fwd: Hazard. Repeated
To: Mail HOLDFAST <>
The storm water cover on the corner of Jetty and Brighton Rds Glenelg was dislodged again when i went past at 7.00pm last night.
For more information about the repeated reporting of this drain cover use this link:
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Date: 2009/4/24
Subject: Hazard. Repeated
Storm water cover dislodged again. Corner Jetty and
To view video press Play.
The service cover (SIP) is located 10 metres West of South Rd, heading West on Anzac Hwy.
Striking the sunken cover causes a cyclist injury and damage to the bicycle.
Avoiding the sunken service cover will cause a collision with a passing vehicle not expecting the cyclist to change the line of travel.
25 June 2009
Copy of this blog printed and posted to:
United Water
Attention Networks Coordinator Southern - Lyndon Stringer
Press play to view video
This is typical of the surface in bike lanes in Adelaide.
Press play to view video
This edge is typical of bike lanes on Anzac Highway and around Adelaide
Previously reported to Dept of Transport 15 November 2008. See report:
Video on CD posted to Director of Road Safety (Martin Small) and delivered to City of Holdfast Bay 23 June 2009.
Letter to Director of Road Safety DTEI
Letter to Holdfast Bay City Council
For more examples, go to and click on the label
in the right column: "United Water".
This Service Inspection Point (SIP) cover is sunken in excess of 30mm (the ruler is green for 20mm, then red).
The sunken Service Inspection Point (SIP) will cause damage and personal injury. A cyclist changing direction to avoid the SIP is at risk of colliding with a passing vehicle. Drivers are also aggravated by having to drive slowly behind a cyclist who is in the way.
Being on a corner, this SIP is a hazard for a cyclist attempting to indicate a turn (one handed).
Reported to Maria Kourtesis JP (Liberal Candidate for Bright) at a street corner meeting at the corner of Harrow and King George streets.
The challenge was set to have the hazard removed. This was in the context of the issue that these hazards are NOT attended to, even if reported. See the topic "United Water" (click to view).
Here is a video of a cyclist negotiating the corner and SIP.
(Click on the PLAY button to start)
The topic was "Cycling Towards a Healthy and Sustainable Community".
Other attendees were:
Minister for the City of Adelaide, Dr Jane Lomax-Smith
Keynote speaker - Associate Professor Chris Rissel
Director of Road Safety, DTEI
Dr Ian Radbone
Andrew McEvoy, CE, SA Tourism Commission
There is something wrong if a hazard report to this audience does not get fixed in less than one month.
23 June 2009
Email sent to for the attention of Stephen Yarwood, Deputy Lord Mayor