Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hazard - Pothole in path of cyclists - Anzac Hwy ADELAIDE

NOTE: I have contacted Department of Transport and they have determined that this part of Anzac Highway is the responsibility of Adelaide City Council.
This pothole located on the South side of Anzac Hwy, 200 metres East of Greenhill Rd (heading West).
The hole is 1 metre out from the kerb an in the direct path of a cyclist.

It is also hidden when raining by the water collected.

A cyclist hitting, or avoiding this hole will change the line of travel and is at risk of collision with a passing vehicle.
Please also note that the general condition of the bitumen in this area is very poor, and a cyclist negotiating bumps and dips in the stretch of road between West Tce and Greenhill Rd is at risk of collision with passing vehicles.
Plesae contact me to advise of the action that will be taken to remove the above hazards.


I received an email from a cyclist who suffered $500 damage to his bike at this site. His accident was just before I reported it:
"on 16 july last year this hazard caused over $500 damage to my bike and the council refused to compensate me stating they had not been notified of the hazard previously"

YET 12 DAYS LATER, (my report) the hazard was STILL THERE!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hazard - Bitumen lifted - 251 Young St Parkside

Please find attached two areas where the bitumen has lifted at 251 Young St Unley.
THis is part of a bike route and hazardous for cyclist or pedestrians.


