Monday, June 28, 2010

Sea to vines bike path blocked at Hallet Cove

TO Marion Council
Please support cycling and assit with the issue of the closed path.
For details, click on the link to Adelaide Cyclists topic.
They are blaming the train station upgrade, however much of the issue is around closing the bike path that is the care and concern of the council (correct me and forward this if i am wrong).



Thursday, June 24, 2010

20mm high, inoperative reflectors on edges of bike lanes

To the Office of Cycling and Walking...
Cc BikeSA and BISA
Along many bike lanes (for example Anzac Highway) there are many reflectors placed on, or near the white line.
The bike lane only applies for a couple of hours, so for most of the day, cyclists are moving in, and out of the lane, negotiating the reflectors that are as high as the height of their tyre.
If these extinct reflectors were of value to road safety it would be understandable, but 90% of them have been painted over, have car rubber over them, or worn off their relective surface.
There should be a prize for guessing the number of reflectors that do not work along the edge of the bike lane, yet are a 20mm high hazard to cyclists.
Please suggest how I can encourage the road authorities (both arterial and council roads) to remove this hazard.



Hazard - Sunken cover - 48 Birdwood Tce

To United Water
This service cover is over 40mm deep and is in the path of cyclists.
It is located at 48 Birdwood Tce.
Please remove this hazard to avoid injury or damage from impact.
This hazard may also cause a collision with a passing car not expecting a cyclist moving to avoid impact.



Hazard - Tree overhang - Railway Tce - Cross Rd to Daws Road

To Marion Council
The trees and scrubs on the railway line side of Railway Tce, from Cross Rd to Daws Rd (Bikeway) overhang onto the road.
In many parts a cyclist is forced to ride more than 2 metres from the kerb.
Some spots are near intersections.
Passing vehicles do not expect a cyclist to change direction and move out into the road.
The risk of collision from a passing car, or at an intersection from a merging car is HIGH.
Please remove this hazard.




Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Report 25 or so - Stormwater cover Cnr Brighton and Jetty Rd Glenelg

Last night the cover was up-turned again.
Here are 24 other reports on this cover...

Hazard - Osborne Tce (repeated)

There has been no action to remove the hazards previously reported on Osbourne Tce Plymton.
The attached photo is on Osborne Tce, at the corner of Lydia St.
The others need attention also, but this is on the intersection and will cause damage to a bicycle or a fall.



Friday, June 18, 2010

Bike path edge - request for intention to remove hazard

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Road Repair Australia
Date: 19 June 2010 10:49
Subject: Please contact me - bike path edge
There has been no action taken to remove the hazard along the edge of the bike path:
Before I raise this issue to the next stage (, please contact me to discuss your plans to remove the hazard at multiple locations along the old Glenelg Tramline bike path.
I can be contacted on my mobile < - >, or by post < - >




Hazard - Birdwood Tce - 2 locations

To West Torrens Council
There are two potholes forming on Birdwood Tce.
One is East of Oval Tce.
The other is at the corner of Birdwood Close.
This road has had multiple reports (see )
Also, a couple of years ago a pothole in the same location was the basis of a claim against council for costs. The council claimed it was not liable "in Tort".
In the event of an incident due to the road surface on Birwood Tce, a case of FACTUAL CAUSATION would see the City of West Torrens liable (overridding any excemption by state Government or an "in Tort" scenario).
I hope you see this information as saving the City of West Torrens money AND working towards a safer environment for cyclist, pedestrians and motorists.




Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hazard. Dunbar tce

Hazard. Dunbar tce. Near merriton. 4 potholes