Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Railway Tce South - Goodwood

The section of Railway Tce South, from Goodwood Rd to Devo St South is very poor.

Here is a video of this section of the road. A cyclist hitting, or avoiding the rough patches is at risk of being hit by a passing vehicle as the driver would not expect a sudden change in the line of travel. Also, drivers become aggravated having to go slow because of a cyclist in the way.

Below is the original email and photo regarding one pothole at the corner of Railway and Devo.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, 16 May 2009 8:17 PM
To: pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au

Subject: Hazard. Railway Tce Sth

Corner Railway tce Sth and Devo St Sth

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