Wednesday, June 17, 2009

King George SIP - Reported to Maria Kourtesis JP, May 2009

This Service Inspection Point (SIP) cover is sunken in excess of 30mm (the ruler is green for 20mm, then red).

The sunken Service Inspection Point (SIP) will cause damage and personal injury. A cyclist changing direction to avoid the SIP is at risk of colliding with a passing vehicle. Drivers are also aggravated by having to drive slowly behind a cyclist who is in the way.

Being on a corner, this SIP is a hazard for a cyclist attempting to indicate a turn (one handed).

Reported to Maria Kourtesis JP (Liberal Candidate for Bright) at a street corner meeting at the corner of Harrow and King George streets.

The challenge was set to have the hazard removed. This was in the context of the issue that these hazards are NOT attended to, even if reported. See the topic "United Water" (click to view).

Here is a video of a cyclist negotiating the corner and SIP.

(Click on the PLAY button to start)

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